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상담 가능시간: 공휴일 제외 평일 09:00~18:00


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왜 마이페이지를 만들어야 하나요?

마이페이지는 eQQui를 방문하는 잠재 고객이 열람할 통역사님만의 온라인 이력서입니다.
통역사님의 첫 인상인 만큼 잘 만들어야 좋은 의뢰를 많이 받을 수 있겠죠?
eQQui가 더 넓은 통역의 세계로 인도하는 문이라고 한다면, 마이페이지는 그 문을
통과하기 위한 티켓이라고 할 수 있습니다.

고객이 의뢰한 통역 프로젝트, 놓치지 마세요!

요청 알람을 받았다면 고객에게 빠르게 응답해보세요.
프로젝트 시작부터 끝난 후 후기 요청까지 여기서 한눈에 확인해볼까요?

  • 고객과 프로젝트 진행하기

  • 1 마이페이지로 들어간 후 우측 상단의 메시지(DM)를 확인하세요.
  • 2 고객과 DM을 주고받으며 일정을 조율하세요.
  • 3 프로젝트 요청을 받아들이고 싶다면 '수락'버튼을 눌러 주세요.
  • 4 고객과 자유롭게 계약하고 통역 업무를 완료하세요.
  • 5 업무가 끝났다면, 고객에게 후기를 작성해달라고 요청을 보내세요.

* '추천 통역사' 요청을 받으셨나요? 요청을 수락하고 나에게 기회가 올 때까지 대기해주세요.


가장 먼저 고객의 의뢰를 받은 통역사의 화면입니다.
수락한다면 고객과의 프로젝트가 성사됩니다.
일정을 확인하고 18시간 안으로 '수락/거절'을 누르세요.


'추천 통역사'라고 써있다면?
통역사님은 현재 고객에게 추천된 상태입니다.
제한시간 15분 안으로 수락 또는 거절을 클릭하세요.
나보다 먼저 고객의 요청을 받은 통역사가 프로젝트를 승낙하지 않으면 다음 기회가 나에게 옵니다.
그 후, 고객의 최종 승인 후 프로젝트가 성사됩니다.
* 제한 시간이 초과되면 수락/거절이 불가능 합니다.


'후기 요청하기'를 눌러 고객의 후기를 받아보세요.
프로젝트의 후기가 많을수록 내 프로필이 검색 페이지
상단에 가장 먼저 노출됩니다.


고객으로부터의 리뷰

project Kor - Eng
2019년 3월 27일 - 2019년 3월 27일
다른 고객들 후기를 보니 칭찬도 많고 실력있는 통역사님인 것 같아서 떰즈 통역사님께 의뢰 드렸습니다. 제가 기대했던 것 보다 더 잘 진행해주셨고, 거래처 담당자들도 만족스러워했습니다. 덕분에 미팅 잘 마쳤습니다. 정성껏 통역해주셔서 감사합니다.

project Kor - Eng
2019년 3월 29일 - 2019년 3월 29일
100점 만점에 100점입니다!
사전에 미팅 분야를 미리 공부하시고 제가 하는 말 다 메모하시면서 꼼꼼히 전달해주셨어요. 분위기도 부드럽게 만들어주시고 진짜! 정말! 완전! 최고! 만족스러운 프로젝트였습니다. 아주 중요한 미팅이었는데 정말 감사드리고, 다음에 또 통역 요청드릴게요. 떰즈 통역사님 최고예요!!

  • 프로젝트 진행 TIP

  • 1 프로젝트 요청을 놓치지 않으려면?

    계정-설정-알림 on으로 되어있어야 알람을 받을 수 있습니다.

  • 2 높은 프로젝트 성공률을 유지하려면?

    18시간 안으로 진행 여부를 결정해서 수락/취소 버튼을 꼭 누르세요.

  • 3 받은 요청에 수락/취소 버튼이 없나요?

    아직 '추천 통역사'상태이니 잠시 기다려주세요.

  • 4 고객과의 사이에서 조율이 필요하신가요?

    고객과의 직접 거래 및 진행이 어렵다면 에퀴코리아에 문의하세요.

  • 5 고객과의 결제 방법은?

    에퀴는 정산이나 결제에 관여하지 않습니다. 고객과 직접 논의해주세요.

내가 하고 싶은 통역 업무는 내가 결정한다!

상담회부터 장기 파견까지, 다양한 통역사 모집 공고를 직접 확인하고
원하는 업무에 지원하세요.

  • 포스팅으로 업무 지원하기

  • 1 홈페이지 첫 화면에서 프로필 좌측 '포스팅 리스트' 버튼을 누르세요.
  • 2 모집 중인 행사의 일정과 조건을 잘 살펴보세요.
  • 3 지원은 페이지의 오른쪽 '포스팅 지원하기'에서 할 수 있습니다.

    * 설문을 완료하고 이력서를 첨부하세요.

통역사 인증을 받아야 포스팅 지원이 가능합니다.

  • 포스팅 지원 TIP

  • 1 '지원하기' 버튼이 보이지 않으시나요?

    통역사 인증을 받지 않으셨군요. 마이페이지를 채우고 통역사 인증을 요청하세요.

  • 2 포스팅 리스트 버튼이 보이지 않는다면?

    홈페이지 주소를 다시 한번 확인하세요. (

  • 3 이력서 제출을 지원할 때마다 하시나요?

    마이페이지에 이력서를 등록해 놓으면 끝! 번거롭게 매번 제출할 필요가 없습니다.

  • 4 합격 여부를 빨리 알고 싶으시다고요?

    포스팅마다 담당자가 모두 다르니 문의 사항은 DM을 남겨주세요.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • eQQui가 무엇인가요?
    "eQQui는 통역사와 고객을 연결하는 혁신적인 글로벌 통역 플랫폼입니다. 캘리포니아 실리콘 밸리에서 개발됐으며, 현재는 전문 통역사, 통역 회사 그리고 고객을 직접 이어주는 새로운 공간으로 활약하고 있습니다. 여타 단순한 마켓플레이스의 개념에서 벗어나 eQQui는 고품질 인력과 다양한 통역 프로젝트, 그리고 자유로운 거래를 지원합니다. eQQui를 개발하는 데에는 아이디어 크리에이터, 디자이너, 프로그래머, 번역사, 프로젝트 매니저 등 여러 국적의 다양한 전문가가 함께 했습니다."
  • eQQui는 어떻게 발음하면 되나요?
    마치 영어 단어 "equinox(에퀴녹스)"처럼 "에퀴"라고 발음하면 됩니다. 에퀴라는 발음 자체가 굉장히 귀엽지 않나요?
  • 에퀴에 처음 방문했는데 어떻게 이용해야 할지 막막해요.
    "에퀴 플랫폼을 찾아주셔서 감사합니다! 에퀴를 잘 모르시는 여러분을 위해 가이드를 만들어 놓았습니다. 홈페이지 맨 아래로 내려가 보세요. 사용자라면 ""에퀴 사용자편""을, 통역사라면 ""에퀴 통역사편""을 참고하시면 됩니다.
    확인하고 모르시겠다면 010-8139-3861 또는 으로 도움을 요청하세요."
  • 플랫폼을 이용하는데 화면이 잘 보이지 않고 오류가 뜹니다.
    에퀴 플랫폼은 크롬(Chrome)에 최적화되어있습니다. 인터넷 익스플로러(Internet Explorer)를 이용하고 계신다면 크롬 브라우저로 다시 접속해주세요.
  • 플랫폼 맨 아래의 푸터가 영어로 바뀌면서 카테고리가 달라지는데 왜 그런가요?
    에퀴 플랫폼은 에퀴 코리아(와 에퀴 글로벌(로 구성되어 있습니다. 페이지에 영어가 많아졌거나 화면 하단의 카테고리 메뉴들이 이전과 다르다면, URL 주소를 확인하고 에퀴 코리아(로 재 접속하세요.
  • 메인 페이지에서 언어, 지역을 입력했는데 검색이 되지 않아요.
    언어와 지역이 제대로 입력되었다면 주황색 동그라미 모양의 체크박스가 나타납니다. 만약 정확한 장소가 검색되지 않는다면 해당 지역의 시, 도를 검색하고, 전국의 통역사를 보고 싶다면 "대한민국"을 검색하세요.
  • 에퀴코드란 무엇인가요?
    에퀴코드는 에퀴코리아에 등록한 모든 통역사 개인에게 주어지는 고유 번호입니다. 에퀴코드는 마이페이지 상단에서 확인 가능합니다.
  • 에퀴코드를 꼭 입력해야 하나요?
    에퀴코드를 몰라도 언어와 지역만 검색하면 검색어에 해당하는 통역사 리스트가 나타납니다. 만약 특정 통역사의 에퀴코드를 알고 있다면 메인화면에서 에퀴코드 입력 시 해당 통역사의 마이페이지로 넘어갑니다.
  • 통역사에게 어떻게 의뢰할 수 있나요?
    "1) 언어, 지역, 키워드 검색을 통해 의뢰하고자 하는 통역사를 서칭합니다.
    2) 통역사의 마이페이지로 이동합니다.
    3) 오른쪽 프로젝트 요청에서 원하는 통역 일자와 시간, 서비스 유형, 위치정보를 클릭한 후 프로젝트 요청을 누릅니다.
    4) 프로젝트 제목, 정확한 위치, 상세 요청사항 등 업무 내용을 작성한 후 통역사에게 요청하기를 누릅니다.
    5) 후불로 결제하기를 클릭합니다. 이때 결제방법은 통역사와 자유롭게 논의하여 결정한 후 통역사에게 직접 결제합니다.
    6) 약속한 통역 종료 시까지 DM을 통해 고객과 서비스에 관해 팔로업을 주고받을 수 있습니다."
  • 통역사에게 문의, 의뢰 시 첨부할 수 있는 파일의 용량 제한이 있나요?
    파일은 DM 화면에서 주고받을 수 있으며, 용량은 파일당 최대 8MB입니다.
  • SMS 알림은 어떻게 설정하나요?
    서비스 알림(E-mail 알림, SMS 알림)은 "계정>설정"에서 설정할 수 있습니다. 알림 설정을 할 경우 고객의 DM, 프로젝트 요청 메시지, 포스팅 합격 여부 등 포스팅 내 모든 소식을 수시로 받아볼 수 있습니다.
  • 마이페이지는 무엇이며, 어떻게 작성하나요?
    "마이페이지는 eQQui를 방문하는 잠재 고객이 열람할 통역사님만의 온라인 이력서입니다. 통역사님의 첫 인상인 만큼 잘 만들어야 좋은 의뢰를 많이 받을 수 있겠죠? eQQui가 더 넓은 통역의 세계로 인도하는 문이라고 한다면, 마이페이지는 그 문을 통과하기 위한 티켓이라고 할 수 있습니다. 통역사 계정으로 전환 시 마이페이지가 생성됩니다.
    *마이페이지에 대한 자세한 정보는 ""에퀴 통역사편>My Page""에서 확인 가능합니다."
  • 통역료는 어떻게 설정하나요?
    "통역료는 마이페이지에서 설정할 수 있습니다. 기본적으로 통역료는 통역사 본인의 '수준'과 서비스의 유형에 따라 결정됨으로, 통역사가 본인의 경력과 평균 작업 단가를 객관적으로 고려하여 단가를 설정하는 것을 권장합니다.
    설정한 통역료에 합당하게 마이페이지 내에서는 통역사의 통역 이력과 학력, 통역 현장의 사진과 동영상 등 서비스 이미지 등을 업로드하여 금액에 합당한 전문성을 보여주세요."
  • 고객에게 의뢰받은 프로젝트는 어디서 관리할 수 있나요?
    고객으로부터 의뢰받은 프로젝트는 오른쪽 상단에서 닉네임을 클릭 후 "프로젝트" 메뉴에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
  • eQQui에서 특별히 지켜야 할 사항이 있나요?
    eQQui는 프리랜서 통역사가 마이페이지를 통해 고객과 만날 수 있는 글로벌 플랫폼입니다. 여러분이 수락하는 모든 프로젝트의 고객에게 최선을 다해주셔야 합니다. 그리고 마이페이지의 통역료 등 모든 내용을 자유롭게 설정할 수 있지만, 나의 서비스 수준에 기반해야 한다는 점을 기억하세요.
  • 고객이 요청한 프로젝트를 거절하면 어떻게 되나요?
    거절한 요청 수가 당신의 성공률에 영향을 미칩니다. 성공률은 통역사의 신뢰성과 연관이 있으므로 거절을 많이 할 수록 성공률이 떨어집니다. 고객으로부터 요청받는 빈도가 줄어들 수 있습니다.
  • DM을 놓치거나 응답하지 못한 경우에는 어떻게 되나요?
    응답률이 낮거나 DM 소통이 제대로 되지 않는다면 고객으로부터 좋지 않은 평가를 받을 수 있고, 이로써 고객 의뢰수가 줄어들 수 있습니다. SMS 기능은 늘 'ON'으로 설정하시면 고객으로부터 오는 DM을 놓치지 않고 확인할 수 있습니다.
  • 통역사가 통역을 하기로 한 당일에 나타나지 않거나, 통역을 하지 못하면 어떻게 되나요?
    이 때에는 통역료를 받지 못하게 되며, 나쁜 평가를 받게 됩니다. 아울러 그와 같은 상황이 반복되면, eQQui는 즉시 해당 통역사의 계정을 정지시킵니다.
  • 고객과 거래하기로 했는데, 급한 사정이 생겨 근무를 할 수 없게 되었어요.
    통역사가 약속된 날짜에 통역을 하기 어려운 경우에는 최소 3일 전 먼저 거래 진행 불가 의사를 DM 또는 통화로 분명히 전해야 합니다. 특히나 영, 중, 일 이외의 특수 언어의 경우에는 통역사 섭외가 쉽지 않기 때문에 일정에 지장이 생기지 않도록 대신 통역할 수 있는 대체 통역사를 소개해 주는 것이 좋습니다.
  • 통역사가 프로젝트를 승인한 후, 고객이 취소할 경우엔 환불 규정은 어떻게 되나요?
    "플랫폼 안의 모든 거래는 기본적으로 거래 당사자들끼리 자유롭게 진행함을 전제로 하며, 에퀴코리아는 거래에 개입하지 않습니다. 거래 관련 문제 발생시 거래 당사가자 서로 합의하여 해결하는 것을 기본으로 하나, 에퀴코리아가 제안하는 환불 규정은 다음과 같습니다.

    1. 통역사가 고객의 요청을 수락하기 전: 고객이 결재한 모든 금액(100%)을 환불
    2. 업무시작 72시간 전 취소 : 고객이 결재한 금액 중 고객 수수료(12.9%)를 제외한 통역료 전 금액을 환불
    3. 업무시작 72-24시간 전: 고객이 결재한 금액 중 고객 수수료(12.9%)와 통역료의 50%를 제외한 금액을 환불
    4. 업무시작 전 24시간 이내 취소: 천재지변이나 불가항력적인 사유가 아닌 한 환불 불가능"
  • 거래 중 불쾌한 언사를 들었어요.
    플랫폼 내에서 의뢰인-통역사 간의 소통 중 모욕적인 언행에 불쾌감을 느낀다면, 감정적으로 맞대응하지 마시고 그 즉시, 에퀴코리아에 도움을 요청하세요. 경중에 따라 플랫폼 이용 제한, 정지 이외에도 재발 방지를 위한 대책을 마련하겠습니다.
  • 통역사와 의뢰인 간의 분쟁 발생 시 에퀴가 중재해 주시나요?
    eQQui가 직접 중재하지 않습니다. 다만 eQQui는 분쟁을 중재할 수 있는 중립적인 장소입니다. 보다 쉬운 복구를 통해 시스템 내에서 고객의 메시지를 제어하고 수집합니다.
  • 프로젝트나 제안이 유효하다는 것을 어떻게 확인할 수 있나요?
    eQQui는 허위 프로젝트, 허위 직업, 통역사의 노쇼, 미납 고객, 지연 등으로 인한 잠재적 위험을 피하기 위해 통역사와 고객이 에퀴 시스템 안에서 소통할 것을 제안합니다.
  • 통역사와 소통 시 유의해야 할 것이 있을까요?
    "1) 통역사에게 프로젝트를 요청할 시에는 먼저 날짜, 시간, 장소, 통역 유형 등 업무 개요를 간단히 설명하여 근무 가능 여부를 먼저 확인한 후, 세부적인 논의를 하는 것이 좋습니다.
    2) 의뢰인과 통화한 후 구두로 합의한 내용도 DM에 기록을 남겨주세요. 이를 통해 내용을 더블체킹할 수 있고, 향후 문제 발생 시 증빙 자료로도 사용할 수 있습니다.
    3) 원활한 통역을 위해 사전에 통역 자료 전달은 필수이며, 통역사가 통역 자료를 요구하는 것은 당연한 수순입니다. 만약 통역 자료를 줄 수 없는 상황이라면 행사 개요 또는 관련 논문, 기사 자료, 홈페이지 등 최대한 참고할 만한 정보들을 전달해주세요.
    4) 통역행사 하루 전 DM을 통해 리마인드 안내를 전달하며, 다시 한 번 약속 시간, 장소, 통역 범위 등을 확인해주세요. "
  • 마이페이지에 올린 내 데이터는 안전한가요?
    에퀴플랫폼 내 모든 데이터는 아마존 웹서버를 통해 안전하게 관리됩니다. 다만 플랫폼 상의 모든 페이지는 구글이나 온라인 상에 노출됨으로 마이페이지에 이력서 등록 시 주소, 휴대폰 번호, 이메일 주소 등 개인정보는 모두 삭제 후 올리는 것을 권장합니다.
  • 에퀴코리아에 문의는 어떻게 하나요?
    "에퀴코리아에 문의할 내용이 있다면 아래 연락처로 연락주세요.
    ※상담 가능 시간은 공휴일 제외 평일 09:00~18:00입니다."
  • 통역사 평가는 어떻게 되는 건가요?
    "프로젝트가 완료되면, 고객은 통역사 평가를 할 수 있게 됩니다. 최고점인 별 5개를 받는다면 프로젝트가 성공적이었다고 판단하셔도 됩니다. 마이페이지에서 모든 사람이 나의 평가를 확인할 수 있습니다."
  • 고객에게 평가를 요청할 수도 있나요?
    그럼요. eQQui는 프로젝트가 끝난 고객에게 통역사를 평가하도록 자동으로 요청을 보냅니다. 만약 고객이 후기를 작성하지 않았다면 내가 직접 고객에게 요청을 보낼 수도 있습니다.
  • 고객이 작성한 평가는 어디에 노출되나요?
    "작성한 서비스 평가는 아래 위치에 노출됩니다.
    1) 해당 통역사의 마이페이지 하단 [받은 리뷰]에 별표(5점 만점)와 함께 리뷰내용 확인 가능
    2) 언어, 지역을 검색한 후 목록 카드에 별점 표시
    ※예: 3/10일 경우 10개의 의뢰 중 3개의 평가를 받았다는 뜻입니다."
  • 내가 남긴 평가를 삭제하거나 수정할 수 있나요?
    "리뷰를 남긴 후 수정할 수 있으나 삭제는 불가능합니다.
    리뷰 수정을 원할 시 해당 프로젝트로 들어가 [리뷰 수정하기] 클릭하면, 별점과 리뷰를 수정할 수 있습니다."
  • 고객과 프로젝트 진행 시 통역료는 어떻게 거래하나요?
    eQQui는 고객과 통역사님 사이의 통역료 거래에 관여하지 않습니다. 통역료와 지급 방식은 고객과 통역사님이 직접 이야기하시고 자유롭게 정하시면 됩니다. 사전에 결제, 정산 방식을 협의하지 않아 발생하는 문제는 에퀴가 책임지지 않습니다. 만약 별도의 정산 서류를 원하거나 직접 논의하는 것이 어렵다면 에퀴로 미리 도움을 요청하세요.
  • 포스팅 리스트를 통해 근무한 경우 통역료는 어떻게 지급되나요?
    포스팅 리스트를 통해 근무한 경우 클라이언트가 직접 통역료를 지급합니다. 업무별 통역료와 지급 안내는 해당 포스팅에서 확인할 수 있습니다. 만약 포스팅 내 통역료 지급에 대한 안내사항이 없다면 꼭 고객과 확인 후 지원해주세요.
  • 세금계산서를 발행받고 싶어요.
    고객과 직접 거래 시 에퀴코리아는 세금계산서를 발행하지 않으며, 서비스 제공자인 '통역사'가 직접 발행합니다. 다만 통역사가 사업자로 등록되지 않은 개인 프리랜서의 경우 세금계산서 발행이 필요하다면 에퀴코리아에 결제 대행을 요청할 수 있습니다. 에퀴코리아가 중간 결제자가 될 시 서비스 수수료(12.9%)와 vat(10%)가 추가 청구됩니다.
  • 카드결제를 하고 싶어요.
    통역사가 사업자로 등록되어있을 경우 통역사가 제공하는 거래 페이지에서 카드결제가 가능하나, 통역사가 사업자로 등록되지 않은 개인 프리랜서의 경우 카드결제를 원한다면 에퀴코리아에 카드결제 대행을 요청할 수 있습니다. 에퀴코리아가 중간 결제자가 될 시 서비스 수수료(12.9%)와 vat(10%)가 추가 청구됩니다.

Understanding Interpreter Services

The diversity of interpretation is as boundless as there are languages in the world. Look at the list below to see what each type of interpretation offers

Type de service
Critère Friendz Biz Proz
Idéal pour activités personnelles, discussions d'affaires occasionnelles ou ponctuelles réunions d'affaires, discours, séminaires conférences simultanées, toute forme d’interprétation assermentée
Comprend et parle la DEUXIÈME LANGUE parle et comprend très bien, mais ressent quelquefois des difficultés dans des situations ou une terminologie inconnus parle et comprend bien, mais dans de rares cas, peut rencontrer des difficultés avec des terminologies spécifiques à l'industrie s’exprime bien et comprend la langue
Lit et écrit la DEUXIÈME LANGUE lit lentement et écrit des phrases simples lis bien et écris des phrases complexes lit et écrit des phrases courantes complexes
Maîtrise du sujet Optionnel Recommandé Champ obligatoire
Formation d'interprète ou diplôme Optionnel Optionnel Champ obligatoire

Profile Picture

Interpreters can use the easy

Profile Picture: Users can upload their pictures anytime, and photos may be deleted, changed, or edited at their discretion. Changes made to photos will be updated in the search results immediately. We support the following extensions: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif..

eQQui Username

Interpreters can use the easy

This is the name that will appear on your profile and your acquaintance interpreter’s profile. Feel free to use any available language in the world when creating your username. You can change this anytime from the ‘Account - Profile’ tab.

Native Language

Interpreters can use the easy

Select your native language which you speak and use most of time and it will be displayed in the serach results. You can change this anytime from the ‘Account - Profile’ tab.

Second Language

Interpreters can use the easy

Select the language that you use second to most on a daily basis. Your ‘Native Language’ and ‘Second Language’ will have 2 separate tabs on your ‘My Page’, where you can post the ‘Service Type’ you offer in different languages to attract more potential clients!

Service Type

Interpreters can use the easy

I live in

Interpreters can use the easy

Select the city where you live. This information will be directly exposed to customers to make it easier for them to find you if they’re close by. You can add it as Country, State or City, but specific address is not essential for your sefe. Fear not, you can easily edit your location anytime, anywhere, from the ‘My Page – Preferred Work Locations’.


eQQui devotes to how interpreters work smootly with their safety.

Payment information and Payout Methods you add are not saved in eQQui. They are protected by third party company and eQQui does not take in a financial action between interpreters and clients.

Location Based Service

eQQui devotes to how interpreters work smootly with their safety.

Preferred Work Location

This information you added on ‘Be an eQQui’ or ‘My Page - Preferred Work Location’ will be directly exposed to customers. You can add it as Country, State or City, but specific address is not essential and shared with others for your sefe.

Share My Location(Application only)

When a project starts, an interpreter share his/her location with a friend whenever he/she wants. A proejct status in on ‘Ready’, you can see ‘Share my location’ buttion. When you click this, SMS is sent to registered phone number with your location. You can add, save and edit phone number whenever you want in ‘Account - Settings - Share My Location’

eQQui near me

You can easily find nearby interpreters who allowed to share their location by ‘eQQui near me’. If an interpreter turns on ‘eQQui near me’, you can get more chance to get work on eQQui. You can turn on and off on ‘Settings - Location’ whenever you want.

Contact And User Information

eQQui devotes to how interpreters work smootly with their safety.

eQQui keeps your information(Name, Address, Phone no., Email address or any realted information) secret ant never share it with anyone. Please keep your private information sercret and do not share it with anyone whenever you work on eQQui. You should keep all payment transactions on Airbnb because eQQui can’t help with any issues related to off-site or cash payments.

Profile Picture

Users can change or edit their basic information anytime. This includes eQQui Username, Birthday, Name, Phone Number and Address

Users can upload their pictures anytime, and photos may be deleted, changed, or edited at their discretion. Changes made to photos will be updated in the search results immediately. We support the following extensions: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif..

Background Image

Users can change or edit their basic information anytime. This includes eQQui Username, Birthday, Name, Phone Number and Address

Users are free to upload or change their background image whenever they please. We support the following extensions: *.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif.


Users can change or edit their basic information anytime. This includes eQQui Username, Birthday, Name, Phone Number and Address

Interpreters can create a title that will show on the front page of the search results. Attract your potential clients through an eye grabbing line.


Users can change or edit their basic information anytime. This includes eQQui Username, Birthday, Name, Phone Number and Address

This is the self introduction page where you can personalize your profile. Distinguish yourself by listing interests, hobbies, and letting clients know cool aspects of your life.


Users can change or edit their basic information anytime. This includes eQQui Username, Birthday, Name, Phone Number and Address

eQQui Username reviewed

After the project is complete, reviews written by users is permanent. Please think carefully before leaving a review.

Success Rate

Users can change or edit their basic information anytime. This includes eQQui Username, Birthday, Name, Phone Number and Address

Type de service

Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.


Set the language pair that you are capable of.

Listing Rates

Set your rate corresponding with the language pair. We strongly believe that interpreters should be able to demand the rates that is fair to them given their skill and the competing market. If you are unsure about what rate to demand, it is advised to research rates other interpreters are charging in your area. See more about Service Rate .

  • 8 Hours : Reflects that you are able to provide 8 hours of service on a given day.
  • 4 Hours : Reflects that you are able to provide 4 hours of service on a given day. Charge per hour for 4 hours of service is usually higher because of the fact that less work is given while occupying a large portion of time.
  • 1 Hour : Reflects 1 hour of interpretation service. Reflects 1 hour of interpretation service. This is the rate that clients are charged in addition to the initial 4 or 8 hours selected. Clients cannot select 1 hour as a baseline service.

- Plan 1 : Prices by the hour may be higher as fewer service hours are purchased. This is an example, not a mendotory.
- Plan 2 : Prices by the hour may not be affected by the number of hours purchased. This is an example, not a mendotory.

  • Special Offer : You can ask an interpreter ‘Special offer’ via DM after inviting an interpreter to your Lounge. Invited interpreter change service rate and accept ‘Special Offer’ for your client.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

When a customer searches for an interpreter, the first thing that will appear is the interpreter’s picture and brief introduction. Thus, it is crucial that interpreters clearly describe their ‘Language Service’ and express themselves in a presentable manner. The character count is limited to 50 including spaces, so it’s important to be clear, and to the point.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Describe yourself in this box. This tab will automatically appear for all your native or secondary languages. It’s important that the greeting reflects your expertise. This may be changed, modified, or deleted anytime..
Uploading a recording of your greeting in the available languages is highly recommended. It will provide clients a solid understanding of your language capabilities.

How to Record

There are two methods of uploading a greeting: The first is through the eQQui app on your mobile device.

  • Record : Record: In the greeting, a recording function is provided. Press the button to start recording and press it again to stop. Recording is saved into eQQui server and you can delete it anytime.
  • File Upload : File Upload: Upload is possible through web and app. Supported extensions are *.ogg, *.mp3, *.wav.

Centres d’intérêt

Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Up to 100 fields of interest may be submitted simultaneously. We don’t suggest solely submitting your major, but interests as well. Displaying a wide array of interests in a diverse number of languages will help maximize your potential clients.

Historique des travaux

Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Interpreters with extensive previous work history will have the option of using work history from previous jobs or experiences during the beta period. Just follow the onscreen instructions to get started. It is important to note that work history and credibility directly impact an interpreter’s success. eQQui will also automatically generate a form that interpreters may present to their clients. But addtional form has not an effect on search results, you would better upload remark or detail of your achievement. Supported extensions are ‘*.txt, *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf, *.ppt, *.pptx, *.hwp.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Interpreters may upload information in accordance to their qualifications and degrees obtained. Interpreters are also free to upload any certificates or diplomas. The more security that an interpreter can provide to his or her clients, the more confidence customers will have in using their service. We store this information through our encrypted internal database. File nanme would be different from uploaded file name for security. Supported extensions are '* .txt, * .doc, * .docx, * .pdf, * .ppt, * .pptx, * .xls, * .xlsx, * .hwp’.

Precautions : Files that are uploaded to Work History may be visible on Google. eQQui tries it’s best to enforce the Terms of Service, however, we will not be responsible for information leakage. See our Terms of Service.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete photos anytime. Upload photos that show off both your fun and professional side. You have full access to uploading photos through the app on your mobile device. Find out more about the eQQui community . Supported extensions are ‘*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.png, *.gif’.

  • eQQui app photo function : When you start a project, Camera icon is showing up on eQQui application on your mobile. You can take a live and vivid pictures during a project and these are automatically uploaded in to your My page. You can check them on ‘My page - Media - Photos’. Clients are more likely to get interested in pictures on the filed.


Upload a video of yourself via a link or URL to convey liveliness that would otherwise not be possible through just a photo. Don’t have a link? Don’t worry. You can upload a video through a streaming service or video upload site such as Youtube or Vimeo.

Lieu(x) de travail préféré(s)

Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Up to 20 work locations may be active simultaneously, and they may be modified, edited, or deleted anytime. This will help international, temporarily abroad, or any other diverse type of interpreters to maximize their opportunities.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Our priority is to maximize reliability and convenience for both interpreter and customer. Thus, we believe it is fair to allow interpreters to set preferences that don’t compromise quality but can go a long way to making an interpreters job easier. Some preferences that may be made are ‘I want to eat alone’, ‘transportation costs may be extra.’, or ‘I don’t accept additional hours.’. If a work request is refused or denied, a claim may be opened.


Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Recent Received Reviews: (It will appear on the app as “Recommended”)

After the project is complete, the user can leave a review and rating for the interpreter. The interpreter is given a single reply to the review posted by the user. Comments that are harassing, sexual, or threatening in nature, will be removed if reported .

Recent Written Reviews

After the project is complete, reviews written by users is permanent. Please think carefully before leaving a review.

Schedule Setting

Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Interpreters can manage their schedules up to 90 days in advance. If you don’t want the changes you make in your schedule settings to reflect in the search results, you can adjust it from (Account —> Settings—> Activation)’ or from (Account —> Account Control —> Cancel Account’. Find out more about changing your account status . Scheduling can always be operated flexibly but opening more availability will attract more clients. Find out more about managing your schedule.

Registering Multiple Languages

Interpreters may modify, edit, or delete ‘Language Service’ anytime. eQQui trusts interpreters to provide true and accurate information. Not only will this information reflect in the search results, eQQui will suspend or ban false accounts without warning and take appropriate legal action.

Interpreters may possess the ability to interpret between more than 2 languages. The interpreter may add those additional languages by simply repeating the registration process. Interpreters can easily manage their languages through My Page.


Clients and interpreters may freely communicate with each other. Clients can ask questions about the project, the language service, or any points of interest that wasn’t found on the interpreter’s ‘My Page’. Asking questions will make the process much more professional and smooth.

When you send a message, an alarm will appear at the top of the screen. Click the alarm to read the full message.


Clients and interpreters may freely communicate with each other. Clients can ask questions about the project, the language service, or any points of interest that wasn’t found on the interpreter’s ‘My Page’. Asking questions will make the process much more professional and smooth.

Under normal circumstances do not give out your home address or phone number to the other party. Also, we recommend not to make financial transactions outside eQQui. eQQui is not liable or responsible in the case where this is broken.

eQQuis Near Me(Application Only)

When you install the application through the mobile device, you are giving consent for eQQui to collect and show your location. eQQuis Near Me ' revolves around providing users the ultimate experience. After installing the eQQui application, users will be shown interpreters that have shared their location in the surrounding area. The location information of the user may be turned on or off anytime at 'Account-Settings-Location'.

Special Offer

The interpreter can offer a special rate to customers. Customers can contact interpreters via message for the special rate after the customer puts the interpreter in the lounge. Interpreters do not necessarily have to lower the price proposed by default, but after reviewing the nature of the project, time, location, purpose, and various other factors, interpreters may decide to offer a discounted rate. The steps for requesting a special rate proceeds as follows :

  • 1. The customer invites the interpreter to the lounge
  • 2. Contact interpreter for special rate details via message.
  • 3. An Interpreter clicks ‘Special Offer’ in DM, then a Lounge including the interpreter pops up.
  • 4. Adjust the price for the user from the lounge, then press ‘Confirm’.
  • 5. After the user confirms the adjusted rate, proceed to complete transaction.

Project Request

Set up your ‘My Page’, Payout Preference, Calendar, and Account Activation (Email Verification/Mobile Verification/Member Authentication) and you’re ready to be a full fledged interpreter! Clients will request an interpreter based on criteria most appropriate for the project considering language related to the project, cost, location, etc. After the client sends a ‘project request’ the interpreter has 18 hours to accept or decline the request. During this period, other clients may not send project requests until cleared. The interpreter can give a Special Offer to clients depending on the situation. Learn more about Scheduling Request Period , Accept Project , Decline Project , and Special Offer . Project Requests will be notified via the interpreter’s mail, text, and web messaging system.

Project Accepted

If the conditions proposed by the client is appropriate , interpreters may ‘accept’. Accepting a request is available both on the web and mobile app.

Project Accepted

Project Decline

Although responding and accepting as many requests as possible is pivotal to success, interpreters may decline projects. During an 18 hour period, interpreters may decline a request by the client whether it’s because of not meeting working conditions or simply refusing to work. Declining a project will not necessarily impact an interpreter negatively, however, declining too many reservations may affect the interpreter’s order on the search results.

Change Your Mind?

After accepting a request, there are very few exceptions to reversing the process and declining, as it would be unfair to the clients to be inconsistent. Therefore, it is advised that interpreters carefully consider all factors during the 18 hour period.

  • Possible Excused Circumstances include but are not limited to :
  • Passing away of interpreter’s family
  • Serious illness of either the interpreter or his/her family
  • Domestic natural disaster
  • Political instability in the country

Penalties for Cancellation (interpreter)

The interpreter will receive the below penalties because the client may experience great impairing, deterrence, or harm to business for reversing an accepted request.

  • Automatic Review : An automatic review displaying that the interpreter reversed an accepted request will appear on his or her ‘My Page’. Please either post a reply in response to the automatic review stating your excused condition or request a review deletion to eQQui .
  • Scheduling Closed : The day that interpreters reverse their decision will be closed, as the schedule for that day is effectively ‘deleted’.
  • Search Penalty : The interpreter may not show up in the search results for the reversed day.

Standard Request

eQQui is committed to delivering the service with flexibility and speed. This is managed through a “scheduling request time" to ensure customers are set up with an interpreter faster than any interpretation agency. Customers will typically send requests to multiple interpreters, and those interpreters are required to reply within a day

Interpreters are required to accept or decline requests within 18 hours. If no response is given within 18 hours, the request will automatically cancel. No other requests may be made by interpreters with an active request.

eQQui Reserve

eQQui is committed to delivering the service with flexibility and speed. This is managed through a “scheduling request time" to ensure customers are set up with an interpreter faster than any interpretation agency. Customers will typically send requests to multiple interpreters, and those interpreters are required to reply within a day

For requests through the eQQui Suggestion system, interpreters will have 15 minutes to respond. However, because requests of this type is sent out automatically by eQQui using factors to best determine compatibility, interpreters may have multiple or simultaneous requests. Learn more about eQQui Reserve.


For requests through the eQQui Suggestion system, interpreters will have 15 minutes to respond. However, because requests of this type is sent out automatically by eQQui using factors to best determine compatibility, interpreters may have multiple or simultaneous requests. Learn more about eQQui Suggestion.

‘eQQui suggestion’ operates automatically when an interpreter Clients chose rejects a project. eQQui requests availible interpreter who has same condition of previous one and agree with taking Min./Max 15% range of interpreting fee. When altenative interpreter is suggested to client, he/she accepts a condition of project(Even client realizes he/she is recommended by eQQui)Then, Client click ‘confirm’ and proceed a project with no wiat. However, suggested interpreter does not match your qualification, client could reject. If project includes only one interpreter, a project will cancel and if two more, interpreting fee refunds. Rejecting an interpreter will not necessarily impact a client negatively, however, a client will start over a project from searching an interpreter.


For requests through the eQQui Suggestion system, interpreters will have 15 minutes to respond. However, because requests of this type is sent out automatically by eQQui using factors to best determine compatibility, interpreters may have multiple or simultaneous requests. Learn more about eQQui Suggestion.

‘eQQui suggestion’ send a requst with notice ‘ eQQui suggest you’ as same as standard request. eQQui suggestion has few different feature from ‘Standard request’ in Response period’, ‘Additional request’, ‘Interpreting fee’, and ‘Response rate’. A bit difference is that an interpreter can accept another request even though having accepted eQQui suggestion.

Interpreters Standard Request eQQui Suggestion
Response Period 16 Hours 15 Mins
Addtional request Impossible Possible
Interpreting Fee Fixed fee Flexible fee(Max./Min. : 15%)
Reponse Rate Apply Not Apply

Project Management


Add interpreters who work with you in the future or are interesting into Likes to start project more eailsy and faster. You don’t need to change or add ‘Service type’, ‘Date’ to find and add interpreters

  • o It is really easy. When you find intersting interpreters, just click ‘Likes(heart)’ after searching
  • o Just click ‘X’ to remove list in Likes.


You can save found interpreters before starting a project. It is different from ‘Likes’ in that Client does not need to select ‘Service Type’ and ‘Date’ and Lounge must be processed before starting a project.

Create Lounge

Once you add an interpreters, they are saved in defual folder of Lounge.

Add Lounge

Users can create Lounge up to 12 including default folder. You could smootly start a project if you have previously created a Lounge based on your working condition, for example, ‘Date’, ‘Project description’. Lounge may be deleted, changed, or edited anytime.

Delete Lounge

As you delete Lounge, saved interpreters are also deleted. Check your interpreters and settings of Lounge again before deleting Lounge.

Project Request

Clients will request an interpreter based on criteria most appropriate for the project considering language related to the project, cost, location, etc. Service hour can be applied from 4 hours to 12 hoours. 4 hours (half day) or 8 hours (full day) is once selected and clients can request additional 1 hour. Availible reservation time is from 05:00 to 22:00. If you want to work with an interpreter instead of fixed hours of eQQui, please talk with interpreter why you want to work extended hour. But eQQui is not reponsible to a project outside of eQQui

First Reservation Hour 05:00
Last Reservation Hour 18:00 (Availibel working time up to 22:00
Standard Working Hours 4 hours / 8 hours (Additional 1 hour)
Maimum Reservation Duration 12 Hours

After the client sends a ‘project request’ the interpreter has 18 hours to accept or decline the request. During this period, other clients may not send project requests until cleared. Clients ask interpreters ‘Special Offer’ based on working condition. For example, Conference, Voluteering, and Charity event. Special offer is not mendotory for interpreters so that they can read a project condition carefully. Learn more about Scheduling Request Period , Accept Project , Decline Project , and Special Offer .

Project Cancellation

Before an interpreter accepts a client’s offer, the client is free to cancel as many requests as he/she wishes. However, after the interpreter accepts the request, the interpreter may not accept anymore requests on the day that the service is scheduled to take place. eQQui will charge users the user fee after this process takes place.

  • Before accept a porject : Full refund except Client Fee
  • After accepted - up to 72 Hours prior to Proejct : Partial refund except Client Fee, Transaction Fee
  • 72 Hours - up to 24 Horus prior to Project : Partial refund except Client Fee, Transaction Fee and 50% of Interpreting Fee
  • 24 Hours - Project day : No refund

You could remove a project or each interpreter in a prject if you have 2 or more interpreters while project accepted. Please make them sure why you have to cancel a project or request. Please keep in mind that eQQui operates based on the trust between interpreter and user

Project Modification

There might a situation in which a client has to change number of interpreters, date, and location. Before change the project, Client should tell interpreters about why you change via DM in this case.

  • But eQQui does not support a feature to modify a project condition now.
  • If it is impossible to change a project condition with Interpreters, you have to cancel and start over a proejct.


No Show(An Interpreter does not show up at a location)

Please contact eQQui when you cannot keep in touch with an interpreter or an interpreter does not share a location before 2 hours on a project day. eQQui helps you to find onther interpreters or solution.
But you can easily find interpreters closed to you by ‘eQQuis near me’ by eQQui application. Install eQQui application on your mobile and see more about eQQuis near me .
If an interpreter does not show up at location, Client get full refund. Also eQQui leaves a auto-comment about his/her abscence and the interpreter is not able to work for 3 monthes in eQQui.
eQQui is not held legally responsible for any liabilities that may occur in regards to an interpreter’s ‘No Show’.

Hours in excess

There might be an hours in excess at a field. If it happens, an interpreter should reminds client of business hour and finish a service. An interpreter can work more smoothly if mentioning about Hours in excess in ‘Preferences’ of My Page. Go to and write about hours in excess on Preferences.

Project condition does not match what client noted

An interpreter should claim project condition to client if there is difference and make it right by him/herself. When Client keeps unfair condition, however, an interpreter must tell them why and finish a project.z

  • Users : If an interpreter does not match what he/she posted on eQQui, Client must keep a record of it and claim a refund to eQQui.
  • Interpreters : When Client keeps unfair condition, an interpreter must record and claim to eQQui. eQQui reviews a record, for example, communication with client, DM, and reviews and give a penalty on Client.

An Interpreter does not match what he/she posted

Client can claim an interpreter’s qualification and professionalism when he/she does not match a description. Please send eQQui a record which proves why an interpreter is not qualified. If an interpreter is not qualified or fakes, you can get refund or ticket eQQui offers. eQQui reviews and gives a penalty to the interpreter and help others to make trusthy eQQui

Leave a Review (Users)

Users can leave reviews and ratings regarding the interpreters work quality after project completion. Reviews left by users will be viewable publicly in both the interpreter’s and user’s ‘My Page’. Reviews remain permanent and may not be deleted in most circumstances so it is advised to think carefully before posting.

Leave a Comment (Interpreters)

The interpreter can leave a comment on the reviews left by users. Comments left by an interpreter is shown publicly, and also remains permanent.

Request Reviews (Interpreters)

After project completion, the interpreter can request the user for a review. Since eQQui operates based on the trust between interpreter and user, reviews are often the most important judgment the user can make. To request a review, simply click the 'Request review' button after the project is complete.

Payout Information

eQQui is trying to find a better way to payout to an interpreter. All users must add payout information to get paid from eQQui in ‘Settings - Payout Method’. You can add as many as you have, but select only one among them.
eQQui releases your payout on every 15th and 30th to Third party agency. After eQQui releases the payout, it takes some additional time for the money to get to you. It takes up to 7 days depends on payout method. The included project for each payout date is:

  • 15th : last 24th 00:00 - last 8th 24:00 in the same month
  • 30th : last 9th 00:00 - last 23rd 24:00 in the same month
    (Feburary is set on the last day)

A minimum payout amount, 100.00 UDS, set as defualt, your payout won’t be released until the amount is met. However, you can payout forcefully with clicking ‘Payout’ button. In this case, users pay all commission occured. For example, the money you get under 100.00 USD, commission would be more than 50%.


Enter your routing number and account number. Make sure to enter the routing number for ACH/direct deposit and not for international wires. US Only.

International Wire

Depending on your location, you may need to enter your account number or IBAN, Swipe Code. Your bank can provide you all the necessary details. Bank fees may apply. It takes up to 7 business days.


Please make sure that your account is activated on PayPal before adding it as an eqqui payout method. Your PayPal account is an email address. Fees may apply. It takes up to 3 business days.

Stripe Connect

Please make sure that your account is activated on Stripe before adding it as an eqqui payout method. Check the country you live is under Stripe support at

eQQui Username

This is the name that will appear on your profile and your acquaintance interpreter’s profile. If you didn’t create a username upon registration, your name will appear instead.

Full Name

The name that will appear through your registered social networks such as google, facebook, email, etc. Only you can see your full name. This name cannot be changed.

Native Language

This is language that was first registered when creating an account. Choose the language that you use most on a daily basis.It will be a significant factor when users search for an interpreter.

Date of Birth

You can enter your date of birth. The exact date of birth is not exposed to other users and will be shown as age (e.g., 20, 30, 40, etc.)


eQQui is an equal opportunity employer. Thus, interpreters are free to select and change their gender at will. Interpreters or users will have an icon on their ‘My Page’ that displays male or female, or no icon if the interpreter chooses to select ‘undeclared’. Therefore gender is not included in the search criteria when users search for interpreters.